Thursday, December 3, 2015

Graham Cracker Walnut Cookies

It’s Christmas Cookie Season!!

It’s starting to cool down a bit more here in Los Angeles, so it’s a little bit easier to get into the Christmas spirit.  I have a whole list of things I want to bake this season but unfortunately since it’s just Der Ubermensch and I in the apartment it’s hard to eat everything.  I suppose that means there will be lots to share!

This recipe is for a cookie my mama made every Christmas and they were always one of my favorites.  My mama got the recipe from a lady in her neighborhood who used to make them as Christmas gifts for all the neighbors.  I always associate them with our yearly visits to the Indiana State Museum to visit Santa.  We used to bake them that night!  They are super simple, but clean the pan immediately after or it will be super annoying to clean.  
Graham Cracker Walnut Cookies

Graham crackers, as many as needed to cover the pan
1 ¼ cup light brown sugar
1 cup margarine
1 cup walnuts

  1. Line a greased pan with graham crackers.
  2.  Cook light brown sugar and margarine; boil 1 minute.  Add 1 cup walnuts.  Pour over graham        crackers. 
  3.  Bake at 350° for 8 minutes.
  4. Let cool and enjoy!